Custom Software

Whether your company needs a solution that will automate routine work of employees, store data/information or improve workflows, we develop Custom Software Solutions to the specification of our clients

Software Engineering
  • More than 30 years Software Engineering experience
  • Software design and specification using methodologies such as UML: use cases, class modelling, objects and links, aggregations and dependencies, activity diagrams, state-charts
  • Principles of good software design, software development lifecycle, the role and importance of design and modelling in software development
  • Software verification and validation
  • Project management and planning
Algorithm Engineering

Abstract data types, design patterns, algorithmic issues, complexity theory, the application and implementation of common data structures

Multi-platform Apps

Multi-platform Desktop, Android and iOS development


From our experience, making UX/UI design an important part of the development process results in higher quality applications, more intuitive interfaces and most importantly, happy users. But it also reduces the total development time needed and increases the first time right method.

Low-Code Development

Do you want to develop 6x faster and with a smaller team than traditional development allows? Do you need better IT & Business alignment? SwifMobi uses the industry-acclaimed OutSystems low-code platform to accelerate your business!

Save massively on overhead for testing, maintenance, deployment problems, by using the extensively tested and fully supported code blocks, and a out-of-the-box full and easily managed deployment environment.

Database Technologies
Object Oriented
  • InterSystems Caché: We developed the connector for InterSystems integration to OutSystems
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • MySQL
Programming Languages

C++, C#, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Python, PHP, jQuery,
. . . . . . . . . and anything you throw at us

Health Systems Interoperability

FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources): Experience in implementation of Client and Server

SMART (Substitutable Medical Applications and Reusable Technologies)
Experience in building FHIR Client Apps using SMART on FHIR: a standards-based, interoperable apps methodology for electronic health records

Contact Us
Contact: Elize van der Riet
Phone: 083 268 6980
Address: Fish Hoek, Cape Town